Friday, December 09, 2005

Snakes spotted outside the flat

Nick Baker, our neighbour and Chairman of the Vertebrate Study Group of the Nature Society (Singapore), who hosts the Ecology Asia website, has identified and photographed nine species of snake outside our flat:

Reticulated Python
Equatorial Spitting Cobra
Brahminy Blind Snake
Oriental Whip Snake
Paradise Tree Snake
Striped Kukri Snake
Banded Malayan Coral Snake
Common House Snake
Painted Bronzeback

The Reticulated Pythons have eaten ten cats on our street in two years (including our cat Fishball, RIP) and an Equatorial Spitting Cobra was responsible for the death of a neighbour's Jack Russel. We see Equatorial Spitting Cobras at least once a fortnight, sunbathing on the concrete path behind the flat or next to the mosque in the mornings.

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